Iranian actress died at her 77

Iranian actress Zahra Khoshkam passes away at 77.

Iranian actress died at her 77

MojNews-Iranian actress Zahra Khoshkam passes away at 77. 

The funeral procession for the late actress will be held on Saturday in Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery in southern Tehran and she will be buried in the artists’ block of the ceremony, Mehr reported

Khoshkam, whose acting career spanned over five decades, was the wife of the late filmmaker Ali Hatami and the mother of the actress Leila Hatami, who is globally renowned for her performance in the Oscar-winning film by Asghar Farhadi “A Separation”.

Also known as Zari Khoshkam, she was born in the historical city of Isfahan and studied in Tehran and London before taking up cinema as her career when she was 24.

She acted in the series “Nightingales” (1988) by Ali Hatami, as well as the feature films “Golden Blood” (2022) by Ebrahim Sheibani, “Flaming” (2018) by Hamid Nematollah, and “What’s the Time in Your World” (2014) and “The Portrait of a Lady Far Away” (2005) both by her former son-in-law Ali Mosaffa.


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