Blast in Paris left 3 killed

According to latest reports, blast in an apartment in Paris left 3 killed.

Blast in Paris left 3 killed

MojNews-According to latest reports, blast in an apartment in Paris left 3 killed. 

At least three people were killed in an explosion followed by a fire at an eight-storey apartment building on Sunday, a French newspaper reported.

The origin of the blast remains unknown as of now.

According to the news of Le Parisien, the explosion was heard before a fire broke out in the building that was located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

The fire broke out on the seventh floor of the building.

After the incident, several ambulances and firefighting vehicles were rushed to the spot and started the rescue operations.

"The neighbours do not understand what could have triggered this explosion, because there is no gas in the building," Le Parisien quoted the deputy mayor of the 11th arrondissement, Luc Lebon, as saying on the matter.

The authorities have not ruled out the gas trail.

Speaking on the issue, a public prosecutor informed the Le Parisien that a probe has been launched into the incident and officials from the capital’s 2nd judicial police district have been assigned to look into the cause of the explosion and the fire.


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