Hamas and Hezbollah officials meet in Beirut, emphasizing the strength of relations
A delegation from the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) met with a number of officials of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement in Beirut and stressed the importance of strengthening relations between the two movements and rejecting the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.
MojNews_ A delegation of senior members of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, led by Khalil al-Hayat, head of Hamas۳۹; Arab-Islamic Relations Office, met with Hassan Haballah, head of Palestinian relations, and his assistant, Ataullah Hammoud, in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on Friday evening. And talked.
the Hamas delegation included Ahmad Abdul Hadi, a representative of the Hamas movement in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, a member of the movement۳۹;s Arab-Islamic relations office, and Tahir al-Nuno, an adviser to the Hamas leader.
According to the report, the two sides stressed the rejection of all anti-Palestinian plans and, at the same time, called on countries that have normalized their relations with the Zionist regime to refrain from taking actions that are contrary to the Palestinian cause; Actions that, according to both sides, only benefit the Zionist regime
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