Russia and Ukraine started to exchange of prisoners

Russia and Ukraine have started prisoners swap on Saturday.

Russia and Ukraine started to exchange of prisoners

MojNews-Russia and Ukraine on Saturday started to exchange of prisoners .

A total of 24 Ukrainian sailors, who were detained during an incident near the Sea of Azov last November, were among the released by Russia.

In return, Ukraine released the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian branch of the Russian state-run news agency RIA, Kirill Vyshinsky, who is expected to come to Moscow with the other Russian citizens, captured in Ukraine.

On Friday, Kiev announced that it excluded Russian citizen Ruslan Gadzhiev from the exchange list, because his lawyers did not submit a petition for mercy to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky .

After winning the presidential election, Zelensky moved the issue of exchange between the two countries from the dead center.


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