Iran rejects politically-motivated UN report
Iran completely rejects the biased UN report on 2022 riots.

MojNews-Iran completely rejects the biased UN report on 2022 riots.
Iran’s High Council for Human Rights has rejected the allegations raised in the report of a so-called UN fact-finding mission on the ۲۰۲۲ riots across the country.
In a report published on Friday, the mission accused Iran of committing “crimes against humanity – specifically those of murder, imprisonment, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution, enforced disappearance and other inhumane acts” during the foreign-backed unrest.
In response, Iran’s High Council for Human Rights dismissed the report as “unreliable, illegal, biased and politically-motivated.”
“The so-called fact-finding committee published an undocumented, biased, and politically-motivated report without any legal basis, which was compiled in an unprofessional manner and based on unverifiable claims, and which is deeply in line with the political goals of some Western countries,” the council said in a statement.
The council further lamented that “politicization of human rights by some Western countries has reached its peak,” with those countries having developed a “sick habit of exploiting self-made political and human rights mechanisms and covering up their motivations and desires” under such reports.
It added that such a trend will end up sacrificing human rights and dashing the hopes of the people of the world toward international human rights mechanisms.
The mission, the statement continued, was formed as a result of lobbying and political exchanges of some Western countries, and its report has been prepared under the pressure of those countries.
“The main role in this political campaign was played by the German government, the same country that equipped Saddam [Hussein]’s regime with weapons of mass destruction, namely chemical weapons, as a result of which more than 13,000 Iranian citizens were martyred and more than 100,000 people injured,” the statement read.
It continues, "With various methods, including granting citizenship, immunity, and providing intelligence and financial support, Western countries have created a safe haven for terrorists. These individuals have the blood of thousands of Iranian citizens on their hands, including women and children. Western nations aid and abet them in their brutal acts, sabotage, and their evasion of punishment."
Moreover, the statement added, these countries have unilaterally imposed systematic sanctions, violating the rights of Iranian women and children. In fact, they have committed crimes against humanity and even label Iran's fight against rioters and terrorist activities as crimes against humanity.
Regarding the Israeli regime, the statement said while the regime has "perpetrated widespread crimes against the people of Gaza, violated all international humanitarian principles and human rights, caused the deaths of over 30,000 people and injuring 72,000 more, destroyed hundreds of thousands of residential, medical, and educational centers, as well as places of worship and infrastructure, which constitute crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing, those who claim to support human rights and uphold related international mechanisms remain silent and do not even dare to acknowledge the situation as a 'crime against humanity'."
"However, when a citizen dies, as can happen in any country, these same countries suddenly champion human rights and present themselves as advocates for the rights of Iranian people, women, and children. They interfere in Iran's internal affairs, fuel and support riots, establish mechanisms for human rights monitoring, issue resolutions, and produce false political reports. These hypocritical and contradictory behaviors have little to do with genuine human rights and instead stem from the antihuman policies of countries like the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Germany."
The statement also said that from the onset, the Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently maintained that the mission proposed by Germany in the Human Rights Council is both illegal and politically motivated, adding that the basis for this assertion lies in the flawed and biased assumption that Iran encountered a peaceful gathering and, therefore, should not have taken any measures against the protesters.
In November 2022, Germany succeeded in passing a decision to launch the so-called fact-finding mission to probe into the nationwide riots in Iran.
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