Indirect negotiations of Iran-US is limited to lifting of sanctions

According to an Informed Iranian source, Iran-US indirect negotiations is limited to lifting of sanctions.

Indirect negotiations of Iran-US is limited to lifting of sanctions

MojNews-According to an Informed Iranian source, Iran-US indirect negotiations is limited to lifting of sanctions. 

An informed source has said that the exchanges of messages and indirect talks between Iran and the United States are merely limited to negotiations on lifting anti-Iran sanctions.

The informed Iranian source told IRNA on Thursday that he rejects a claim made by a US newspaper on indirect talks between Iranian and American delegations on issues such as the recent developments in the Red Sea.

The source also argued that the United States has a history of resorting to propaganda campaigns in order to make amends for its diplomatic failures, while the exchange of messages and indirect talks have been dedicated to negotiations for the lifting of the anti-Iran sanctions.

The Iranian side has constantly prioritized the follow-ups for the removal of the cruel sanctions, he said, adding that the Islamic Republic exchanges messages to convey its stances transparently.

Iran has always preferred negotiations compared to other options; so, it tries to utilize all tools and opportunities to nullify the negative impact of Iranophobic propagations on world public opinion.


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