Deputy Minister:
Iran Completes the Saffron Value Chain by Supportive Purchasing
An official of the Ministry of jihad-Agriculture provided a complimentary report of supportive purchasing of saffron.

MojNews- Hossein Shirzad , who is also the CEO of the Central Organization for Rural Cooperative of Iran (CORC), underlined that following the ongoing support of saffron farmers there is no concern on payment of farmers۳۹; debt.
Elaborating the goals of saffron supportive purchasing, Shirzad enumerated the saffron advantages including high employment rate, compatibility with semi-dry climate, non-competitiveness with spring and summer crops, economical usage of water and labor force and high value in the international market , CORC has been purchasing saffron from the first days of harvesting. "Three hubs of saffron production including Razavi, South and North Khorasan have produced about ۶۹ tons, ۲ tons and ۷۶ kg saffron, respectively. CORC has purchased the above-mentioned volume by the supportive price that equals double the market routine price," he added.
Explaining the payment procedure of saffron farmers۳۹; debts, the Official asserted that by now, CORC had settled ۳۲% of the farmers۳۹; due debts and we are going to settle the remaining debt by collaboration of the Central Bank of Iran(CBI), planning and Budget Organization(PBO) and the other agent banks.
" In the ۲۰۱۹ cropping year (Feb-Nov), despite deflation, CORC had succeeded not only to purchase about ۶۸ tons saffron but also to settle the farmers۳۹; debts by June, ۱st. After the Physico-chemical examination, the saffron has been graded, packed and stored in the standard warehouses. Each pack carries a ۴ digit barcode that indicates the quality and quantity specifications. Equipped with the temperature and humidity control devices, these warehouses keep the saffron quality to facilitate exporting", the deputy minister said.
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