Iranian President:
British Shiism, American Sunnism Aimed at Preventing Unity among Muslims
Iranian President Seyed Ebrahim Raisi said while the British and US government's are seeking to sow discord among Muslims through promoting deviated versions of Shiite and Sunni Islam, the Islamic Republic is endeavoring to strengthen unity among Islamic states as a strategy.

MojNews_ “The British Shiism and American Sunnism are two sides of the same coin and both are against the unity of the Muslim world, while unity is a strategy and not a tactic for the Islamic republic of Iran,” Rayeesi said in a meeting with Iranian Sunni scholars.
He also warned of the growth of Takfiri groups in the region, warning that everyone should be on their guard to prevent Takfiri and Salafi ideologies to infiltrate the country.
President Rayeesi underlined the significance of unity of Shiites and Sunnis in Iran, adding that Sunni compatriots and scholars have a significant place in the history of the country.
He said that the Shiites and Sunnis have been living together in Iran for years, stressing that the government is seriously trying to eliminate the problems people face in their livelihoods.
The Iranian foreign ministry in a statement in December underlined the need for unity among the Shiite and Sunni Muslims to repel the divisive plots of the enemies.
Iran’s foreign ministry warned against enemy schemes for the Muslim world and called for reinforcing unity and integrity among Muslims and avoiding violence and extremism in the name of Islam.
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